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The working principle and importance of the airport baggage scanner

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The airport baggage scanner is a new type of security equipment that uses X-rays to penetrate and check luggage and goods without opening the box. The x-ray baggage scanner is suitable for security checks of briefcases, parcels, express mail, hand luggage, and small parcels at airports, railway stations, government agencies, transport, logistics, courts, procuratorates, prisons, embassies, factories, schools, hospitals, gymnasiums, exhibition halls, entertainment venues, etc. Next, let's take a look at the working principle and importance of the airport baggage scanner.

airport baggage scanner.

Here is the content list:

l What is the working principle of the airport baggage scanner?

l The airport baggage scanneris very important to us.

What is the working principle of the airport baggage scanner?

The item under inspection enters the inspection lane and obscures the baggage detection sensor. The detection signal is sent to the control unit, which generates an X-ray trigger signal that triggers the emission of X-rays from the X-ray source. The X-rays pass through the collimator to form a very thin fan-shaped X-ray beam, which passes through the item being inspected and reaches the detector. The detector converts the optical signal of the X-rays into an electrical signal and then uses image processing software to reproduce the outline, composition, and material properties of the contents of the package. Once the item being inspected has passed through the inspection area, the ray generator stops producing rays. During the inspection of the item, a very thin fan-shaped beam of X-rays sweeps through the inspected item layer by layer, equivalent to slicing the inspected item. The image acquisition system collects and stores the image information for each layer of the scan line and, as the conveyor belt transports the inspected item through the inspection area, the full image of the inspected item is obtained, forming its complete X-ray image. The resulting images can be displayed on a monitor or stored. When the airport baggage scanner is in operation, security personnel need to determine the type of item being inspected by looking at the color and outline of the items presented in the X-ray image. To ensure a high level of accuracy and efficiency, airport baggage scanner operators need a relevant background of knowledge and, above all, long experience.

The airport baggage scanner is very important to us.

The airport baggage scanner has features such as a high-definition acquisition system, a system self-test function, and an optimized zoom function, which will give it the advantages of high image clarity, fast data acquisition, excellent performance, and, above all, a low failure rate. Therefore, the airport baggage scanner is widely used. In addition, with the rapid development of society, there will always be some unstable factors in society. For example, harmful incidents that will be committed by terrorists, extremists, western forces, and separatists pose a serious challenge to the security of our society and the protection of public places. The airport baggage scanner is one of the most effective tools available to reduce the number of such incidents. That is why its importance cannot be overstated. We need to be able to use it to its full potential to protect our lives.

We are committed to bringing more and better products to our customers, and that is what we are doing. If you are interested in an airport baggage scanner, you can contact us at, we welcome you and look forward to cooperating with you. We uphold the spirit of honesty, professionalism, and innovation to win trust with quality and achieve the future with our brand. We pursue sustainable management and constantly transform advanced technology and experience at home and abroad into competitive products to meet our customers' needs.

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