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The electromagnetic radiation from the airport baggage scanner is safe

Views: 27     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-08-24      Origin: Site


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There is no doubt that ionizing radiation from radiation does harm the human body, but it depends on the size of the radiation dose at one time, the duration of the radiation, and the total amount of radiation accumulated. In addition, any electronic product has a certain amount of electromagnetic radiation, and there is also a very large amount of electromagnetic radiation in our lives, such as radio stations, television stations, mobile phone towers, high voltage lines, computers, televisions, microwave ovens, etc. Compared to these electronic products, the electromagnetic radiation of the x-ray baggage scanner is minimal. Why? The airport baggage scanner is a weak magnetic field induction technology with low power, less than the power of a mobile phone when talking and less than the radiation of a computer monitor, so the airport baggage scanner is safe from electromagnetic radiation.

airport baggage scanner

Here is the content list:

l Is the airport baggage scanner harmful to pregnant women?

l The airport baggage scanner emits less radiation than natural radiation.

Is the airport baggage scanner harmful to pregnant women?

Although the airport baggage scanner does emit radiation, the amount of radiation is relatively low and generally does not affect pregnant women. Pregnant women should avoid radiation as much as possible because they are pregnant and their bodies are fragile and the fetus is developing. Radiation can be divided into ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation according to its energy level and wavelength. Ionizing radiation is higher in energy and shorter in wavelength, and the common ionizing radiation in daily life is medical radiation, such as x-rays and nuclear magnetic scans, which can affect the body if exposed for a long time. However, the electrical appliances used in everyday life are low radiation, long wavelength radiation, non-ionizing radiation, radiation is particularly small, such as the security handheld metal detector for the magnetic induction principle, belongs to the non-ionizing radiation, radiation is extremely small, only 1/50 of the daily medical equipment, not even as large as the radiation of mobile phones, so pregnant women through the security check generally have no impact. The airport baggage scanner will not affect the pregnant woman herself, nor will it affect the fetus in her womb, so pregnant women can go through security checks without worry. In addition, although mobile phones, computers, microwave ovens, and hairdryers are all non-ionizing radiation that transmits low levels of electricity, pregnant women should avoid using them, and if they must use them, they should be careful not to use them for too long, as they usually do not affect their bodies.

The airport baggage scanner emits less radiation than natural radiation.

According to the guidelines of the American College of Radiology, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the US Food and Drug Administration, X-rays received by the fetus will not affect the fetus if the dose is less than 50 mGy. There is also a small amount of scattered radiation, but the lead curtain at the entrance and exit of the airport baggage scanner basically blocks it, and the four walls inside the airport baggage scanner are all thick with lead, so as long as the lead curtain is not lifted significantly, no radiation can be detected around the airport baggage scanner. X-rays are only obtained when the baggage passes through, and then processed by a computer to display a recognizable image on the computer screen, similar to a hospital X-ray diagnostic machine. The difference is that the image is not as clear as an X-ray, but the amount of radiation is minimal, only 1% of that of a diagnostic X-ray machine. Finally, let's take a simple example: if we go through the airport baggage scanner, the radiation dose is 0.005 Sv. The Basic Standard for Protection against Ionising Radiation and Safety of Radiation Sources stipulates that the artificial radiation dose to the public should not exceed 1 mSv a year and the total radiation dose to women during pregnancy should not exceed 1 mSv. Ionizing radiation is everywhere on earth and the human body can receive a daily dose of approximately 10uGy, which is equivalent to drilling twice a day.

To sum up the above, we can conclude that normal security checks will not affect pregnant women and their babies, but will bring us more peace of mind. For more airport baggage scanner-related questions, please feel free to consult us. We have accumulated many years of experience in R&D and production to provide you with more product services and technical support! Our official website is Our company adheres to the enterprise culture of "quality-oriented, customer first", and always makes unremitting efforts to become a professional airport baggage scanner supplier in the industry.

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