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  • What is infrared thermometer Box?
    What is infrared thermometer Box?In order to further normalize the epidemic prevention and control work and spare no effort to protect the health and life safety of patients and medical staff, many public places have installed infrared thermometers. So, what is an infrared thermometer? This article
  • What are the advantages of the narcotics trace detector?
    What are the advantages of the narcotics trace detector?The narcotics trace detector is an instrument that monitors the presence of drugs and explosives. After the criminal suspect has been exposed to explosives or drugs, the skin of these explosives or drugs will be stained with tiny particles of t
  • Is narcotics trace detector accurate?
    Is narcotics trace detector accurate?Is the narcotics trace detector accurate? The Explosive Trace Detector (ETD) is an explosives detection device that can detect small quantities of explosives. The detection is done by sampling invisible "trace" particles. Equipment similar to ETD is also used to
  • How does x ray luggage scanner work?
    How does x ray luggage scanner work?X-ray baggage scanners are called "checking dangerous instruments". The working principle is to use small amounts of X-rays to illuminate the object to be inspected, use a computer to analyze the transmitted light, and analyze the characteristics of the penetrated
  • How does infrared thermometer box work?
    How does infrared thermometer box work?In order to further normalize the epidemic prevention and control work and spare no effort to protect the health and life safety of patients and medical staff, many public places have installed infrared thermometers. How does an infrared thermometer work? This
  • What technologies are used in explosive trace detectors?
    What technologies are used in explosive trace detectors?We live in a rapidly changing world. Power struggles, civil unrest, and the desire for radicals to harm enemies and innocents made our headlines. Well-trained experts cannot be everywhere at once. Explosives trace detector provides a way to enh
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